a collection of certainly special, uniquely unusual, and equally momentous thoughts: memoirs of me

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Don't judge me for my narcissism

I've never really been into the super formal, printed on off-white paper, with a BYU-I seal on the front, and commencement times and dates on the inside, kind of graduation announcement. Way too grandma-ish for me. But when a neighbor showed me an announcement she had of a friend with a simple thank you message on the front and a cute picture, I was way more into it. So, a couple weeks ago I got the crazy idea to have senior pictures of me done when I was home last weekend. I remembered when my friend Amanda Harrison had her family pictures done and how awesome they turned out so I immediately went to Elisabeth Kate Photography and was already hooked. I had to have her. You can find her website here. Kate was amazing and just so much fun to work with. She did an excellent job! I couldn't be happier with how they turned out.

Confession: I like having nice pictures of myself. Always have. So I'm very pleased to have some cool pictures of myself for the next couple years. Now I just have to figure out which one to send with my graduation thank you card. If you have a favorite let me know!

One more confession: I've always been that person who has their eyes closed in every picture. My eyes are just so dang sensitive to the sun, even on overcast days. I was worried that I would struggle to have my eyes open even for one shot (and it did turn out to be somewhat of a struggle) but Kate was awesome and patient. When my eyes would start to water we'd wait a couple minutes. Through it all we got a lot of good ones, scratch that, a lot of sweet ones.

So sorry for the slightly narcissistic post. I was just too excited not to share with everyone in blogland.


  1. You are so beautiful! I would be narcissistic if I were you too. :)

  2. i like 5, 7, and 9 :) counting from the top down :)

  3. Oh my goodness, Hannah they look so good! You are SO pretty! Good luck narrowing it down to just one. Oh and I love the outfit, especially the jacket.

  4. Love them! 4 and 5 down are my favs!
