This place is definitely not Rexburg, Idaho. It’s not homogenous in any sense of the word. Every day I see and meet interesting people who carry on with very different lives and come from all sorts of backgrounds. These are the people that I love to watch.
I’m a people watcher. I’m a people lover.
Here are some of the lovely things I’ve seen on the metro along the way:
Old man carrying a large bouquet of red roses. I hope in my heart he was taking them home to give to his lovely wife of 50+ years.
Black girl with her techno music playing on her phone for the whole world to hear.
Guy talking to himself and reassuring himself he’s smart.
The nice woman who offered me a piece of cinnamon gum on a hot humid tired day when I really needed it.
Man practicing his hip hop moves in front of everyone.
The lady who had to push everyone aside in order to rush off the metro just in time to throw up everywhere. The sad part? Not a single person helped her. No one rushed to her aide or asked if she was alright. No one even batted an eye brow. I was in the middle of the train and unable to get off in time to help her before the doors closed and the metro started to move. I was appalled and saddened by everyone's lack of care.
The best one of all: Man wearing a jean loin cloth, no shirt, with his beard braided, and carrying an obviously hand-carved walking stick (please imagine that in your head right now). A slight reminder of Cast Away only this man was stuck in the middle of the District.
Every day is truly an adventure.
I’m in love with this place.