It happens every time I visit New York City or Las Vegas. I don't know what it is but I feel it in my heart as I drive through the passageways and into the city with its bright lights, high rise buildings, and massive crowds.
I look at the hundreds of cars and the thousands of people. I notice the dozens upon dozens of apartment buildings and the people who inhabit them all.
And I think...
I think to myself, "How can it be that the Atonement of Christ covers everything? All this? And everything in between?"
But it does. Somehow, yes somehow, it does.
I look at the people on the street. I wonder where they've come from and where they're going. I think of the trials and sorrows and crushing problems they've each had to deal with.
And I know the Savior knows them as well. He is aware. He notices. He knows their joys, their interests, their passions. He takes a keen interest in all of our lives.
And he loves all of us. Every single one of us.
Amazing isn't it? Thanks for the reminder. XO